Almost everyone is getting conscious about their health. Not only women, but men are also concern with their body getting the right and healthy shape. I, myself did some research about this. I also want to get in shape. I just know that getting in shape will really boost my health and at the same time my self-esteem. I now wish to share with you the summary of all the readings I had on different tips on how to get the right shape for your (my) body.
Mind over body
Losing weight is looked by most of us as a great challenge. This is quite true in the sense that we need to tame ourselves from staying away from goodies that will ruin our plan. The key is getting the right mind set. We've learned from grade school that "eating is healthy food is a must". There are two things that should be emphasized with this lesson:
1. Eating is a must = Never skip meals
2. Eat healthy food = No junk food
Engraving these two equations in our minds will greatly influence our actions toward our eating habits.
Another line to keep in mind is: YOU ARE NOT ALONE. Getting healthy is the trend (finally). If you think you're losing self confidence because of your shape, you have to know that people are with you with this burden. You need not to be so shy about anything. If you have some plans such as getting a work-out program on your favorite gym, share it with your friends or with your family and invite them to join you. Going on with a new healthy routine will be more fun if you're with the people you want to be with.
Look for Substitutes
We want to get in shape without depriving ourselves from eating delicious food. However, we should remember the second equation stated above: "NO JUNK FOOD". So if you love soda or creamed chocolate shakes, try to make a major head turn from it and look for fruit shakes. Fruit shake is refreshing and at the same time, healthy. If you love eating snacks, stay away from ice cream and get a bowl of fresh fruit salad. There are a lot of healthy goodies around us, we just often end up munching chips and popping soda.
Gym is one thing, but there are a lot of alternatives
Did you know that jumping ropes gives you a great cardiovascular workout? It is very cheap and portable at the same time. Also think about the calories you'd burn up with a couple of minutes of jumping.
You love dancing? You can burn up hundreds of calories for an hour of having fun with your groovy moves.
Forget these not:
1. Avoid fried food
2. Salads with fatty mayonnaise is a "no-no"
3. Sugar = calories
4. Sit up straight
Include these on your to-do list
1. Take your multivitamins
2. Sleep
3. Drink lots of water
Good luck to us! Cheers!
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Get in Shape