Everybody loves sweets. This fact made me try out this idea for fun and at the same time for extra cash. With a very low capitalization, friends as my target market, and an old oven, I started earning money from these sweet delights.
You probably think this is hard. In fairness with you, a actually thought it was. But then, when I tried it, it's so easy to do, and at same time, it's fun.
There are only 4 stages in this activity:
- Gather all that you need
- Start baking! (FUN PART!!)
- Packaging (FUN PART!! 2)
- Free tasting - then Selling them to your friends
Stage One: Gather all that you need
Here's a checklist that you will be needing: (Chocolate Crinkles) yeilds to 3 dozens
- 3/4 cup oil
- 2 cups sugar
- 4 eggs
- 1 1/4 cups cocoa powder
- 2 teaspoons vanilla
- 3 cups Gold Medal all-purpose flour
- 2 1/2 teaspoon salt
- Confectioners' sugar
- Bowl
- spatula for mixing ingredients
- baking sheets
- oven
After gathering all that you need, the next thing to do is to preheat your oven to 350°F and prepare your baking sheets by brushing a little shortening (avoid using butter/margarine because they easily burn and produces dark crusts).
So, let's get started. The procedure is very simple.
- All you have to do is to combine all the ingredients in a bowl until they are well-blended.
- With the dough you made from no. 1, form 1-inch-sized balls.
- Roll in confectioners' sugar then put them on the baking sheets.
- Bake until cookie cracks on top. DO NOT OVERBAKE. Center should still be soft
- After baking, let the cookies cool down (not in the refrigerator, of course XD)
Packaging and labeling is a form of marketing strategy. With this strategy, you can create good impressions to your target market. In addition to this, it also attract the customer's attention.
You can pack your cookies in various ideas. The only thing to remember is to make sure that your container is safe for food storage. This is a MUST. You can't sell them if your cookies are not safe to eat. Two factors should be considered in this stage: Food safety and its freshness. Your packaging should address these two.
Always remember: Cookies should be kept in an air-tight container. This will preserve your cookies freshness. :)
Here are some ideas for packaging:
Stage Four: Free Tasting and Selling Your Cookies
Free tasting is also a form of marketing strategy. It is almost the same with product trial. In this activity, you create your market. This is the stage where you invite your customers to try your cookies. If they like your product, they would definitely consider buying some of your cookies!
Since you are a beginner, I would suggest to conduct your free taste to your relatives and friends. They are your first target market. With this, they can actually suggest more ideas for you to improve your baking, packaging, pricing and other areas that would probably need improvement. However, if they love your cookies, they would most likely refer you to their friends and other relatives. That is what we call exposure.
In pricing, consider the fact that you're new to the industry. Price is always a factor. If your cookies are going to be too expensive, people would refuse buying them. Make sure you would earn some profits and at the same time, lure your customers with it.
You can do this activity with your free time. Maybe you can schedule this activity for seasons that would make people buy your cookies as gifts for their friends and love ones.
Happy baking!!!