Most internet surfers enjoy the chance of listening to their favorite music, watching interesting videos and getting ideas from catchy pictures. This is only a part of what internet can offer us. Most people call it file sharing.
Maybe most of you already know how to do it, but I bet there are still some in need of this guide.
I want to share with you the way I download music and videos from the internet. I hope you'd learn something from this.
Downloading Steps:
- Use Firefox browser. Most of internet surfers now prefer Firefox than Internet Explorer. From my experience, it loads faster and it is more convenient to use.
- Download and install 'download helper' add on to Firefox. To do it now, click here.
- After installing the add on, you will have to restart Firefox. You will now notice a small icon located at the right side of you're address bar. It looks like this:
- Now, go to you're site where you love listen your favorite music. In this tutorial, we will use
- While you are listening to the music, you will notice that the icon beside your address bar (shown above) is in motion, and it is already colored. It looks like this:
- You will also notice a small drop down arrow, right beside the icon (shown above). Click it, and you will see a file named something like -zydeBOCftz391EhZAmquPBy... That is the song we're currently listening to. That is the file we would like to download. :p As you click to this filename, download window from Firefox will pop up and download the song.
- NOTE: Downloading completes as the buffing finishes. You should not leave the page unless it has already finished downloading. You may, however, open another window (not tab) of Firefox browser to surf the net while you wait for it to be complete.
- NOTE: Downloaded files are in .flv format.
- After downloading it, you may want to convert it to another format since .flv files are not playable to some players (iPod, mp3 players, etc.) There are free converters online. You may use them to avoid installation to your desktop. To try one, click here.
Thats it! You're now done! This process also works for downloading media files from youtube, myspace, friendster, multiply, you name it. So, try it now! ;p